Providing different volume to wal-data

Hi Team,
I want to use different volume mount for the pg_wal.
My stolon application is deployed on kubernetes.
Currently we have just one volume mount path stolon-data.
I want to create the separate mount path for the /stolon-data/postgres/pg_wal.

I have created different volumeClaimTemplate for the same but it is failing.
2020-02-24T10:05:10.352Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1068 db failed to initialize or resync
2020-02-24T10:05:10.358Z ERROR cmd/keeper.go:1077 failed to remove the postgres data dir {“error”: “unlinkat /stolon-data/postgres/pg_wal: device or resource busy”}

Any idea how to resolve it .

@rutaveej-shah There’s an open PR but it’s not complete and I’m waiting for answers to my review. Feel free to ping the author (or ask to adopt it if the owner doesn’t have time to work on it, or sponsor its development)

You cannot mount another fs inside the stolon data dir instead wal support in the above PR is implemented by symlinking the pg_wal directory to a path external to the stolon data dir that could be another mounted fs.

Thanks for the update.

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