Hello, we run stolon on GCP and Kubernetes from some years.
Everything run on a specific namespace.
We want to upgrade it to a new version so we are trying to deploy a different cluster on a different namespace to test also our software.
When we start the keeper we receive the log:
2021-07-30T16:08:26.811Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1001 no cluster data available, waiting for it to appear
after performing stolonctl init we have the following log:
2021-07-30T16:09:01.857Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1033 our keeper data is not available, waiting for it to appear
but DB doesn’t start.
We tried to explicit add the keeper node and I have this error message:
021-07-30T16:12:23.151Z ERROR cmd/register.go:133 unable to get info about existing services: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused
It seems an RBAC problem to me, someone has some suggestion about how to solve it?
Additional note: checking in stolon-sentinel I have:
2021-07-30T17:14:14.110Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1894 failed to update cluster data {“error”: “cannot choose initial master: no keepers registered”}