On GCP/Kubernetes I'm not able to start a stolon cluster

Hello, we run stolon on GCP and Kubernetes from some years.
Everything run on a specific namespace.
We want to upgrade it to a new version so we are trying to deploy a different cluster on a different namespace to test also our software.

When we start the keeper we receive the log:

2021-07-30T16:08:26.811Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1001 no cluster data available, waiting for it to appear

after performing stolonctl init we have the following log:

2021-07-30T16:09:01.857Z INFO cmd/keeper.go:1033 our keeper data is not available, waiting for it to appear

but DB doesn’t start.
We tried to explicit add the keeper node and I have this error message:

021-07-30T16:12:23.151Z ERROR cmd/register.go:133 unable to get info about existing services: Get dial tcp connect: connection refused

It seems an RBAC problem to me, someone has some suggestion about how to solve it?

Additional note: checking in stolon-sentinel I have:

2021-07-30T17:14:14.110Z ERROR cmd/sentinel.go:1894 failed to update cluster data {“error”: “cannot choose initial master: no keepers registered”}

It seems an RBAC problem to me, someone has some suggestion about how to solve it?

I think you pretty much answered it.

Looks like an ACL issue where the keeper couldn’t insert its data into datastore. AFAIK, when keeper starts it inserts its data to store and sentinel reads from it and assigns a master.